Pole Mounted Ashcan

Cigarette Butts are the most littered item in the world, however many smokers don’t realize that their butts are not biodegradable (they are made of cellulose plastic). Cigarette litter washed down the storm drains and straight out to waterways, as pollution controls in the storm drains are not very effective to capture them.

VolunteerCleanup.Org has partnered with our good friends at the Miami Chapter of Surfrider to install Pole Mounted Ashcans around Miami Beach in common transition points where smokers are most likely to need a good place to put their butts. We are working towards final city approval and implementation Spring 2018. This project originally started by the Huntington Beach and San Diego County Chapters at Surfrider.

  • If you would like more information, artwork or contacts to source your own, Contact Us
  • If you would like to support our efforts, feel free to make a small donation. Each ashcan costs $100 each to deploy.